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Dear Border Church Family, 

This week we will be having Church in our regular venue at the QCWA Hall at 169 Griffith Street, Coolangatta. Parking can be found on Griffith and Boundary Streets as well as on Marine Parade. For shaded parking you can park under Twin Towns.  We will be meeting at 9:30am (QLD), 10:30am (NSW) and look forward to spending time with you. 

Border Church this Week

This week we continue our new series for the year on the letters to the Corinthians. Part one, focused on the first letter, is called "Cryptic Cross-Talk: Conflict and Controversy in a Cosmopolitan City". We finally start getting into the spicy issues facing the Corinthian congregation. The fifth chapter deals with an issue of open rebellion within the Corinthian Church, an incestuous relationship that is being overlooked by the other believers bringing disrepute to the Body of Christ. How do we deal with immorality? How do we deal with open sin? How do we balance grace for the sinner and the need to uphold standards in the Church?  

Kids/Youth Church will be running for the time that the service is on, directly after the worship.  

We always have a healthy plant-based fellowship lunch after Church. This week we are having Haystacks/Nachos. We would love you to join us for this time of fellowship. Our lunch schedule can be found here -

This Weekend

This week Border Youth will have Gladiator Games. We will be in the usual location at 12 Glebe Place, 5:30-7:30pm NSW time. 

News and Upcoming Events

Thank you for those who came to celebrate the dedication of Erina and the baptism of Shirley, Brendan's Nana. It was another beautiful afternoon and we also witnessed the rededication of Elaine. 

Over this year we will be exploring the two letters to the Corinthians. These two series will carry us through the rest of the year with other events and speakers throughout. 


You can contribute towards our community outreach in our tithes and offerings box or online through various options on our website at 

Weekly meetings

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Prayer meetings are on Wednesdays at 3pm at 179 Botanical Circuit, Banora Point. Please message me or speak to Lorraine if you have any prayer requests we can add to our list. All are welcome to join as we pray for our community and upcoming projects. 

Sealed & Revealed

Season 3, looking at the book of Daniel, have begun and will be every Monday at 7pm NSW Time.

If you would like to catch up on previous studies in this series, recorded sessions can be found on the secret YouTube playlist here:

Bible Discovery Groups

For 2025, make it a resolution to begin or to join at least one Discovery Bible Reading Group. They are super simple to do and a great way to learn in community with others, especially those new to the Bible. You can get something out of this no matter what level you are at. We would love to show you how to lead one of these groups simply. Please let us know if you would like to start one. 

Other worship opportunities

We run Alpha small groups on a regular basis and if you would like help hosting one for your friends or loved ones to discover Jesus and the basics of the Bible, please let us know. 

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday at 9:30am (QLD) or 10:30am (NSW)

Brendan, Alina, Victor and Erina